For the Love of Science <3

What an amateur Science Journalist’s got to do

Science. Whenever I would think about it before, it makes my nose “bleed”. I remembered when I was in high school; our teacher would tell us to explain the complicated Nitrogen Cycle. And I would say… Oh here we go again. Gobbledygook, difficult to grasp, boring, and then my attention would divert to something else—sleeping perhaps. Then the cycle goes on and on.

But that was before. How did the cycle stop? I could not trace the history of how science gradually changed my views as a learner. But one thing’s for sure, Science Reporting has something to do with it. And now I realized, I definitely owed a lot from Science.

I never dreamt of being a Science journalist. It is not a part of my future plans after graduation, but it touched my heart and mind. It taught me not only to be a responsible journalist but also it taught me the essence of being guided and dominated by truth in my everyday living. As journalists, we would always face difficulties and challenges as we enter the field of producing science stories. I am a beginner and I only knew a little in the very first place. However, that did not stop me to achieve what it takes to be a successful and responsible journalist. But what does it really take to be the ideal science journalist you can be? Here are some learning experiences I want to share with you. To tell you, communicating science effectively is not an easy task. But it sure is worth striving for.

Patience. I needed much of it especially during interviews with scientists. We could not always have all the time we want, we have to wait for the scientists to be free with all the business from work, especially when he/she has a lot of duties to take care of. We also need that when articles are rejected and need to be revised. One word may be enough for a wise man; but submitting your science article draft for only once without a single error? As a beginner, I doubt it. Just refuel patience. Because as they say, patience is a virtue.

Establish a rapport with scientists. Be friendly to your scientist. Take note that scientists and journalists always work hand-in-hand to achieve a common understanding. You should always know what kind of scientist he/she is. Remember that as science journalist, we are not only responsible in communicating to our audiences. We also have to approach scientists for more up-to-date science discoveries.

Seek the facts, not the fiction. That is one trouble I have observed. Whenever we were unable to interview a scientist, other students would just make up statement from them. How are we supposed to communicate honestly when we can’t be honest with ourselves? Just speak the truth, even if it hurts the readers. As the old proverb says it, the truth shall set you free.

Simplify jargons, keep it accurate. Remember that what you may consider as a simple word could be hard for a farmer to understand. Like the word Irrigation. Do you think an uneducated farmer would understand its concept? It might be easy for a college student like you. But to them, it is gobbledygook. Transform scientific terms into layman’s language. For me it was the most challenging part. A journalist needs to be equipped with skills in simplifying words, in using plain talk. And facts should not be compromised with plain talk. In simplifying, facts should also retain its accuracy.

Make stories, put the human touch. We like stories about people because we can relate to it, and stories bring you to your imagination as you read it. This is one thing I have learned. The human element spices up your article and surely, your readers would want for more. But always make sure that these are fats, not fiction.

Cite credible scholarly journals. The media is a source of almost every piece of information, may it be true or not. Be careful when choosing which sites are credible or not. It is important that when searching for the information you want, site is reviewed by professionals of that field.

Know thy subject. How would you be able to disseminate relevant science stories when you do not even understand what you are writing and talking about? Read, read, and read. This is the most important learning that would apply not only in science journalism, but also in every aspect of my college life. We cannot simplify jargons if we do not search and read. We cannot find facts if we do not read. We cannot determine credibility of articles if we do not read it. It pays.

Fascination for Science. Finally, I have a question for you. Do you love Science? Can you feel your heart tickling your brain to discover more science concepts and ideas? Then you might be in love—with science. One cannot show passion when there is no love. Start living intellectually curious. It is about time that you, me, should embrace science in our lives. Without it, everyone and everything would not come to existence.